Town of Cape Charles Golf Cart Inspections
2023 Stickers
If you don’t have an orange sticker, it is time to get your golf cart inspected.
Bring your golf cart to our office at 713 Randolph Ave. after April 1st of each year.
Make sure to bring a copy of your insurance with you. The insurance card must have the make of the golf cart and Serial Number printed on the card. If you need to email it to us, please email it to:
Your golf cart must have:
Working seat belts on all seats of the cart (for example: if there are four seats, you need four seatbelts)
A Rearview mirror
Slow Moving Vehicle triangle on the rear
A horn (bike horns affixed to the cart do pass)
If you have headlights, taillights and blinkers they must work
Your tires cannot be worn and having missing tread
The cart must drive straight
Your brakes must work properly as well as your parking brake
If you cart is gas; there must be no gasoline or oil leaks
Your golf cart cannot exceed 25mph
Golf cart inspections are $15 plus $31 for the town sticker. Please bring payment of $46 with you as well.
This above procedure must be completed every year by April 15th.
As prescribed in our Town Code (Article II Sec. 42-17 through Sec. 42-40 and Article III –A Sec. 42-49 through 42-58), all golf carts operating on a public highway within the Town of Cape Charles:
• Shall pass a safety inspection at least once yearly. Such safety inspection shall be conducted by an inspection station approved by the Town;
• Shall not be used on the public highways unless the owner has obtained a Cape Charles vehicle license;
• No vehicle license shall be issued until the owner of the golf cart presents evidence that the golf cart is insured; and
• Upon receipt of the prescribed license tax, approved inspection and proof of insurance, the town shall issue a license decal for the golf cart
FEE SCHEDULE The following golf cart license fees apply.
The license year extends from April 1 of each year through April 15 of the next calendar year. $31.00
License Fee If your decal is issued between March 1, 2021 and September 30, 2021 $15.50
License Fee If your decal is issued between October 1, 2021 and January 15, 2022 $10.33
License Fee If your decal is issued between January 16, 2022 and February 28, 2022
If you would like to fill out your own form please use the form below.